Every time you send the blimp through time, it counts for a different quest in the Fine Arts District. If you activate the blimp before you get a quest that asks you to travel to a specific time period, you won't get the item until you reach that quest. Once you do, it will automatically be marked as complete.

The quests, in order, are:
- Dance Hall Days Pt. 4
- Walk Like an Egyptian Pt. 2
- A Page out of Prehistory Pt. 3
- Virgil's First Edition Pt. 3
- Ye Olde Blimp Trippe Pt. 4

You will be able to play through the Fine Arts District normally, and get all of your items for Olivia. The Blimp will disappear after you've sent it off five times but you'll receive credit once you reach each quest. None of your plutonium will go to waste!