Fire appears after reaching level 6. When popped, they explode and destroy nearby bubbles!
Vines appear after reaching level 9. Vines clear bubbles vertically when popped!
Metal Bubbles
Metal Bubbles appear after reaching level 11. They are indestructible and cannot be matched with other bubbles. Manuever around Metal Bubble...
Water Bubbles
Water Bubbles appear after reaching level 16. Popping Water Bubbles will wash away an entire row of bubbles when popped!
Ice Bubbles
Ice Bubbles appear after reaching level 21. Ice Bubbles turn into the same color of the bubbles popped adjacent to them.
Spike Bubbles
Spike Bubbles appear after reaching level 31. Avoid these obstacles because they will pop any unmatched bubbles that touch them. Manuever ar...
Bumper Bubbles
Bumper Bubbles appear after reaching level 41. Aim Mama Panda's bubbles towards Bumper Bubbles to make them bounce a different direction.&nb...
Morph Bubbles
Morph Bubbles appear after reaching level 51. Plan carefully since they change colors after every move!
Locks and Chains
Locks and Chains appear after reaching level 61. Pop the bubble with the lock on it or use a Lantern to break the entire chain!
Badboon Bubbles
Badboon Bubbles appear after reaching level 71. Be careful and avoid them because you lose two moves for every Badboon Bubble popped. Use th...
Plus Bubbles
Plus Bubbles appear after reaching level 81. Pop the bubbles with the "+" symbol to get two more moves!
Cloud Bubbles
Clouds are appear after reaching level 121. Cloud Bubbles hold up other bubbles, so pop them to drop everything they touch!
Fill Bubbles
Fill Bubbles appear after reaching level 141. These bubbles have magical powers--they fill a lantern completely when popped!
Drain Bubbles
Drain Bubbles appear after reaching level 161. These bubbles have dark powers--they drain your lanterns when popped! Use an Anti-Drain boost...
Pink and Purple Bubbles
Pink and Purple Bubbles appear after reaching level 211. They are just like other bubbles, but don’t have lanterns associated with them.&nbs...
Gift Bubbles
Gift Bubble appear after reaching level 231. Pop next to a Gift Bubble to reveal a special surprise!
Smoke appears after reaching level 261. Watch out, this obstacle hides bubbles around it every other turn! Use an Anti-Smoke booster to remo...
Bubble Cannons
Bubble Cannons appear after reaching level 361. Bubble Cannons shoot new bubbles onto the board! Pop all of the bubbles holding them up or u...
Switch Spikes
Switch Spikes apppear after reaching level 421. During every turn, these obstacles change between a non-colored bubble that can be popped an...
Masks appear after reaching level 461. They protect the bubbles underneath when closed and cannot be popped. During each turn, Masks will sw...
Rocks appear after reaching level 561. Hit Rocks to reveals bubbles hidden underneath!
Drain Bombs
Drain Bombs appear after reaching level 601. Don't let the clock reach zero, or all lanterns will be drained!
Ghosts apper after reaching level 641. They will prevent you from hitting their bubbles! Bubbles will pass through activated Ghosts until th...
Balloons appear after reaching level 681. Match the floating Balloons to drop the bubbles! They are similar to Cloud Bubbles, but are based ...
Dice Bubbles
Dice Bubbles appear after reaching level 741. Match the Dice Bubbles with the same color to clear them, or with a different color to change ...
Ivy appears after reaching level 801. Ivy grows on bubbles and prevents them from being popped. Clear the obstacle by making adjacent matche...
Conveyor Belts
Conveyor Belts appear after reaching level 861. Each Conveyor Belt rotates groups of bubbles around a central gear after each move. Pop all ...
Bamboo appears after reaching level 921. Hit this obstacle with bubbles or lanterns to weaken it! Bamboo will break once they are cracked!&n...
Rotators appear after reacing level 981. Rotators protect bubbles underneath. Hit the center to break it!
Foam appears after reaching level 1041. Bubbles go straight through Foam without stopping!
Crystals appear after reaching level 1121. Hit the Crystal with a matching color to activate it! Alternatively, hit it with a different colo...
Fairy Bubbles
Fairy Bubbles appear after reaching level 1201. Pop a Fairy Bubble to apply its color to the next bubble in your basket queue!
Ropes appear after reaching level 1281. Match bubbles next to Ropes to weaken them. When the Rope is frayed, match more bubbles to break the...
Super Charges
Super Charges appear after reaching level 1361. Make a match with a Super Charge to get a lantern fill bonus. Watch out, it moves each turn!...
Spin Shields
Spin Shields appear after reaching level 1441. These obstacles rotate each turn, protecting the bubble underneath on four sides. Match bubbl...
Wood Fans
Wood Fans appear after reaching level 1521. These obstacles will block your path and move your bubbles downwind!
Fireworks appear after reaching level 1601. Hit Fireworks to make them launch and explode!
Volcanoes appear after reaching level 1761. Making a match next to a Volcano causes an eruption that destroys bubbles above it!
Badboon Boss
The Badboon Boss appears after reaching level 2001. Use bubbles or lanterns to directly hit the Badboon and defeat him!
Runes appear after reaching level 2181. Match bubbles next to the Runes to activate them. Activated Runes trigger matches!
Shufflers appear after reachng level 2401. Shufflers will exchange the position of bubbles during each turn!
Leaves appear after reaching level 3341. Pop matching bubbles to take off the Leaves covering them!
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