The Gumball Machine is a fun feature that will allow you to use Gems to pull an Emoji from a given set of Emojis at random. Simply engage the Gumball machine to start the process!

Use Gems to activate the Machine, you can activate one turn or five turns.

If you want to see which Emojis are currently available in the Gumball Machine, please tap the information button (i) and it will display which Emojis are inside the Machine and their current odds.

Scroll down and you can see all the prizes in the Gumball Machine; it will show how many of the prizes are remaining at the top.

If an Emoji is maxed out it will be replaced with an Emoji Charge prize instead. The Emoji Charge will reflect rarity, so Villains may turn into Villain Charge, etc.

Once it has emptied of contents, a message will display indicating that this has happened and the Gumball machine will go away.