Star Energy can be obtained in the following ways:

  • Completing Daily Missions: you can earn 10, 15, or 20 Star Energy based upon the difficulty setting of the Mission you choose.
  • Purchase Star Energy with Gems


Please note that the maximum allowance for Star Energy is set to 100, so you are encouraged to use it. Any Star Energy that you purchase with Gems may go over this cap. Any additional Star Energy earned beyond maximum will be converted to Lives.

You can currently get star energy only 2 ways:

Completing the Daily Mission earns you 10, 15, or 20 star energy depending on the difficulty of the mission

The "Daily Mission" is the one added in V58 at the top of the mission screen that awards a prize for completing the special mission for 14 consecutive days

You only get one daily mission per day, so the most star energy you can win each day is 20....but not everyone will get 20 each day

You do NOT earn star energy from completing the stardust challenge missions themselves!

Buying it at a rate of 20 star energy = 90 gems; 60 star energy = 260 gems; 100 star energy = 415 gems

You can't have more than 100 star energy at a time!

EXCEPTION: When BUYING stardust energy you CAN exceed the 100 cap. Example: have 90 energy, purchase 20 energy for 90 WILL receive 20 energy and see 110/100 energy on your screen counter

If you have max star energy and win more star energy....the alt. prize is Lives at a rate of 25% of the value of the star energy won. Example, you have 100 energy already and win:

10 star energy = 3 lives received instead

15 star energy = 4 lives received instead

20 star energy = 5 lives received instead