Event Buildings for the Bad Trip event include the following by Phases:

Phase 1

- Upside Down House for 200 Pills

- High Speed Gorge for 300 Pills

- Mushroom Forest for 250 Pills

- Melted Clock for 400 Pills

Phase 2

- Impossible Geometry Building for 75 Pills

- Penrose Staircase for 400 Pills and 4 Stars

- Unicorn Farm for 400 Pills and 4 Stars

- Penrose Pyramid for 500 Pills and 4 Stars

Phase 3

- Frog Sculpture for 225 Pills

- Soup-Drinking Fly for 500 Pills and 5 Cookies

- Multicolor Shrooms for 800 Pills and 15 Cookies

- Fly Art Installation for 1000 Pills and 15 Cookies