Account Help
How do I play on multiple devices?
Connecting your game with an account (Facebook or Username) allows you to play on multiple devices if you log into the same account. It also...
How to sign up for an account?
Signing up for an account allows you to play your game on multiple devices. It also ensures you can access your game even if you lose access...
Is an account required to play?
Nope! The first time you log in to Family Guy, the game will be saved using your device. Provided you do not delete the game, you will be ab...
Will Game Center or Google Play Games save my progress?
Unfortunately, Game Center and Google Play Games will not save your game's progress. They will only save records of your Achievements. You m...
How to find your Player ID
In some cases, Support may need your Player ID to locate your account. To find it:On mobile: 1) Visit Menu, followed by Account Info2) Write...
How do I link my Facebook account to my game?
You can link your Facebook account to your current game if there is no game already associated with it. Go to Menu > Account Info and tap...
How do I load a different Facebook game?
To load a different Facebook game, DO NOT TAP the "Delete Facebook" button. This will unlink your game from your Facebook account.Instead, t...
How do I connect my game to a different Facebook profile?
Sign in to the Facebook profile you want to connect to on the Facebook mobile app and load Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff on your device.Go...
Log out of Facebook account
You'll need to use the "Change User" option in the Account Info page to set up a new account or attach your device to a new Facebook account...
Can't set up Facebook account: "You have returned to the app without completing the log-in"
If you are having trouble connecting Facebook to your account, double check that you've enabled permissions under your phone's settings.The...
How do I unlink my game from my Facebook profile?
In order to unlink your game, please go to Menu, followed by Account Info. You'll see a blue "Delete Facebook" button. Tapping this will *un...
How do I change my Username email address or password?
If you tap on "Menu" (the icon in the bottom left corner filled with nine squares) and then tap on "Account Info," you should see a button w...
How do I load a different Username/email game?
To load a different Username game, DO NOT TAP the "Delete Username" button. This will unlink your game from your Username account.Instead, t...
Why can't I see the "connect with Username" option anymore?
Once a game has been connected to Facebook or Google it cannot also be connected to a username. Sorry!Your game will be saved and you can lo...
I'm having trouble logging in with a Username/email account
To log back into a username/email account that you have been logged out of:1. Go to Menu > Account info2. Tap "sign in as someone else" o...
Can I add friends without using Facebook?
Players must have a Facebook account to add friends and visit other players' Quahogs. We're looking into adding more social options down the...
I can't see any of my friends!
You can only see your Facebook friends in-game if you have signed in with your Facebook account and your friends have done the same. Please ...
Why can't I invite my friends?
Some players have resolved this issue by logging into a new account and then logging back into their old one. If this does not work, please ...
How do I reset my Username password?
Forgot your password? Set up a new game on your device, then head to the Accounts tab under Settings. From there, tap “reset my password” an...
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- Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff on Windows
- Lizards and Lairs Event (Resurfaced)
- Saturday Night Peter Event (Resurfaced)
- Zodiac Signs Event (Resurfaced)
- Return of the Fatman 2024 Event (Resurfaced)
- Murder Mystery 2024 Resurfaced Event
- Father's Day Resort Event (Resurfaced)
- Monstser Family 2024 Event (Resurfaced)
- Thanksgiving 2024 Event (Resurfaced)
- Christmas 2024 Event (Resurfaced)
- Fairy Tale Event (Resurfaced)
- Underwater Mini-Event
- Quardi Gra 2025 Event (Resurfaced)
- Concert Mini-Event (Resurfaced)
- Easter Sitcom (Resurfaced)
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