How do I reset the game?
To start a new game, you must log in with social networking account that has never before been linked to a Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff g...
How do I turn off Game Notifications?
To turn Notifications on or off, head to Settings > Notifications > Family Guy on your device. You can change the settings of what not...
I'm experiencing a bug. What should I do?
Please contact us using the Support link in the upper right corner. Please do NOT uninstall without first linking your game to a Facebook, G...
I'm missing clams or accidentally spent clams
We recommend tapping carefully to make sure no unintended purchases occur. If any freezing or lagging happens, avoid tapping the screen to l...
Where are the clams from my offers?
Clams are provided by the company that supplies the ads and offers, Tapjoy. After you complete a goal for clams, it may take some time for t...
How do I take a screenshot of my Quahog?
You can take a screenshot by simultaneously pressing the Home button and the Sleep/Wake button on your device. Your image will be found with...
Facebook Troubleshooting
Hello! If you're having trouble playing online, please try the following steps.1. Reload the browser tab.2. Clear your cache. Directions can...
I completed a collection but it's not triggering
Some characters require more than one item to complete their dilemma. You'll see a number in the upper left that indicates how many you have...
My sound stopped working
This can happen on iOS if your sound gets interrupted, such as by receiving a call. If you force close the app and reopen it, your giggities...
Why did my quest item(s) disappear?
All quests and costumes share the same pool of items.For example, if you have 3/4 lipsticks for one quest or costume and 3/3 lipsticks for a...
Cogwheel/Gear showing instead of graphics
The cogwheel or gear is the result of insufficient memory on your device. This can usually be resolved by force-closing the app.To "Force C...
I didn't get a clam from friends or Ollieland
When visiting friends (or Ollieland), you have a chance to grab a clam whenever you collect from them. The clam doesn't appear every time. H...
Why did my game reset?
If your game reset then you were somehow logged out of your account or signed into a Facebook, Google Plus or email account that had no game...
My game keeps crashing when I visit the Ollieverse! Help!
This is usually caused by not enough available RAM on your device. This can be remedied by closing out all other apps and restarting your de...
Why don't I get notifications when a character has completed a task even though my notifications are set to on?
Currently notifications are only sent for when all characters have completed their tasks, not individual ones.
Why is my building no longer dropping an item?
Buildings only show what they have a chance of dropping if you need that item for a quest. For instance, if you have the Ice Climbing Wall a...
How do I force close my app? (Android)
Force closing allows the app to refresh and may alleviate minor game play issues and loading issues. Our support team may also request that ...
A character disappeared, help!
Many actions require characters to be inside a building for an extended period of time. You can tap on a building to see what characters are...
Why does my game keep crashing?
Some players report seeing more frequent crashes while playing special events. This is due to the event district, new items, and animations ...
Why didn't I get clams for unlocking a character or costume?
Individual characters and costumes do not reward clams for unlocking them, they are part of larger collections that must have all associated...
Why can't I visit my neighbors?
Currently you cannot visit a neighbor if they are not on the same version of the app as yourself. Ensure you and your friends have all updat...
Why can't I listen to music and play Family Guy at the same time on my Apple Device?
If you minimize Family Guy to start iTunes, then return to Family Guy, it will mute your music and play Family Guy sound instead. To work ar...
Why are some sounds not playing correctly?
The temporary lack of character dialogue and other sounds is a result of all the shiny new event content we've pushed recently! Because ther...
My app is crashing on the loading screen and reinstalling did not help.
If you are crashing on the loading screen and reinstalling the app did not resolve this issue then there may be a bug with your game's local...
How do I log in to my account?
You can log in to your account by going to Menu, followed by Account Info.When logging back in to your account, a popup will appear warning ...
My Experience (XP) isn't going up for my level
This can be for one of two reasons:1) You just hit level 40, which is where things get tougher. Many of the levels between 40 and 100 take m...
Where is the Character Finder feature?
The Character Finder feature will appear as an icon in the top left corner of your screen, displaying the characters who are currently idle....
Crashing after downloading an update
If you are experiencing crashing immediately after downloading an update, please leave the game open and running for 10-15 minutes to make s...
Why did my Cologne materials reset?
You have to make Cologne four times for Mayor West. When you create it, it will use up the materials to create one Cologne. Please note that...
Where did the Fragrance Factory go?
After you create all four Colognes for Mayor West, the Fragrance Factory will disappear from your town since you no longer need to create an...
My Cologne isn't counting!
You have to create Cologne four times for Mayor West. When you create it, it will use up the materials to create one Cologne. Please note th...
Where is the Egyptian Bath House?
To complete "Walk Like an Egyptian Pt. 3", you can purchase the Egyptian Bath House from the shop in the buildings section. It's available f...
How do I remove a friend from my friends list?
The game automatically detects which of your Facebook friends have also connected to Family Guy and creates your friends list. In order to r...
"You need to upgrade your game to visit this neighbor"
If you are seeing the message, "You need to upgrade your game to visit this neighbor," it is due to compatibility issues between different u...
Why are my Blimp creation items not collecting properly?
The Blimp Items do not trigger a yellow quest progress bar in the top right, but they are collecting normally to your account. Plutonium, Pr...
I can't store my moving decos or characters!
In order to store moving decos and characters, you'll need to unlock District 6.
The Perma-Suds Laboratory is not dropping items!
You'll need to unlock the Pawtucket Brewery before the items will begin dropping. The Perma-Suds lab drops crafting materials for the Brewer...
Why didn't I get anything from the blimp?
Every time you send the blimp through time, it counts for a different quest in the Fine Arts District. If you activate the blimp before you ...
Where did my blimp go?
The blimp vanishes after you send it back in time five times. Don't worry! As you progress through the quests, all blimp-related requirement...
How do I clear my cache? (Android)
To clear your cache, please follow these instructions:-Tap and hold the icon in the app drawer-Drag it to "App Info"-Tap "Clear Cache"When y...
How do I force close my app? (iOS)
To force close your app, exit the game. Then double tap on the home button and all your recently used apps will appear. Swipe up the app you...
I'm stuck on Dance Hall Days Pt. 1
Once you have "Dance Hall Days Pt. 1" active, you need to tap the smoke clouds by the water. There will be a popup saying something about Ol...
Why can’t I buy one pack of clams, but another works?
If you are having trouble buying a specific package of clams, please write in and let us know which pack, and when the problem started!Whil...
The blimp is gone, but Olivia is still locked
The blimp vanishes after you activate it five times, each corresponding to the following quests:- Dance Hall Days Pt. 4 - Walk Like an Egyp...
The game says I have 10M coins, but I know I have more
Due to some issues the coin counter was having with large amounts, we have adjusted the counter for players with coins over 10M. While the e...
Where is my Southern Fried Father?
The Southern Fried Father is a building skin for the Founding Father. You will receive it after completing "Wanna Fight About It Pt. 2."You ...
[Known Issue] Why can't I progress with my Blimp quests?
If you are having trouble with Time Traveling in the Blimp, please follow these steps:-Make sure that you are using the latest version of Fa...
Why Can't I Sign In With Google? *Updated 4/8/2019*
We are sorry to inform you that Google+ has shut down as of April 2, 2019 and players will no longer be able to sign in with Google+ nor be...
Google Sign-In Removal
It has recently come to our attention that Google+ is shutting down on April 2, 2019 and players will no longer able to sign in with Google....
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- Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff on Windows
- Lizards and Lairs Event (Resurfaced)
- Saturday Night Peter Event (Resurfaced)
- Zodiac Signs Event (Resurfaced)
- Return of the Fatman 2024 Event (Resurfaced)
- Murder Mystery 2024 Resurfaced Event
- Father's Day Resort Event (Resurfaced)
- Monstser Family 2024 Event (Resurfaced)
- Thanksgiving 2024 Event (Resurfaced)
- Christmas 2024 Event (Resurfaced)
- Fairy Tale Event (Resurfaced)
- Underwater Mini-Event
- Quardi Gra 2025 Event (Resurfaced)
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