Murder Mystery 2024 Resurfaced Event
When does the Murder at the Griffin House Event end?
The Murder at the Griffin House Event ends on Wednesday, September 25th at 9:00 AM PST / 5:00 PM UTC
When will Week 2 of the Murder at the Griffin House Event begin?
Week 2 will begin on Wednesday, September 11th, 9:00 AM PST / 5:00 PM UTC
When will Week 3 of the Murder at the Griffin House Event begin?
Week 3 will begin on Wednesday, September 18th, 9:00 AM PST / 5:00 PM UTC
Which characters and skins are used in Week 1 of the Murder at the Griffin House Event? [Updated 9/18]
Characters and Skins used during the Murder at the Griffin House Event include the following:Week 1- Mort- Bonnie- Chris- Meg- Connie- Lois-...
How do I unlock Victim Peter?
Victim Peter can be purchased from at the shop for 270 Clams
How do I get event buildings during the Murder at the Griffin House Event? [Updated 9/18]
Event buildings can be purchased at the Hannibal's Dinner Table and are included in the following Weeks:Week 1- Griffin Manor for 340 Bloody...
What are Away Rooms?
Away Rooms are event buildings used to send characters to search for a period of time. Sending characters to search Away Rooms will give you...
Which buildings are Away Rooms in the Murder at the Griffin House Event?
Away Rooms for this event include the following:- Giant Board Game (Available at start)- Griffin Manor- Cleveland's Detective Agency
How do I search Away Rooms?
Tap on one of the Away Rooms. Tap on the characters you wish to send. Once you’ve selected your characters, tap on the Let’s Go! button and ...
How do I search the Giant Board Game during Week 1?
You can search the Giant Board Game with the following character:- ChrisWhen you complete inNapkinigating Giant Board Game, you have a chanc...
How do I search Griffin Manor during Week 1?
You can search Griffin Manor with the following characters:- Joe- Detective ClevelandWhen you complete inNapkinigating Griffin Manor, you ha...
How do I search Cleveland's Detective Agency during Week 1?
You can search Cleveland's Detective Agency with the following characters:- Rich Widow Lois- Victim PeterWhen you complete inNapkinigating C...
How do I get Police Tapes?
Police Tapes are used to clear Guests and can be obtained in the following ways:- Making Mort Lay a Rose on Muriel's Grave- Making Bonnie St...
How do I get Bloody Knives?
Bloody Knives are used to unlock event buildings at the Hannibal's Dinner Table and can be obtained in the following ways:- Making Mort Lay ...
How do I clear Guests?
Tap on Guests roaming around your playspace and use Police Tapes to clear them. Clearing Guests has the chance to drop the follow...
How do I spawn Guests?
You will has a chance to spawn Guests after you’ve completed inNapkinigating the following Away Rooms:- Giant Board Game- Griffin Manor ...
How do I clear the Victim Peter (Boss)? [Updated 9/9]
When the Victim Peter (Boss)’s Health Points go to zero, you will successfully clear them.To deal damage to the Victim Peter (Boss)’ Health ...
How do I spawn the Victim Peter (Boss)?
You will have a chance to spawn the Victim Peter (Boss) after you’ve completed inNapkinigating the following Away Rooms:- Griffin Manor ...
How do I unlock Rich Widow Lois?
Rich Widow Lois can be unlocked with the following items:- 3 Candelabras- 9 Black High-Heels- 5 Napkins
How do I get Candelabras?
Candelabras are used to unlock Rich Widow Lois and can be obtained in the following ways:- From Giant Board Game- Making Victim Peter Buy To...
How do I get Black High-Heels?
Black High-Heels are used to unlock Rich Widow Lois and can be obtained in the following ways:- Making Connie Ignore the Killer's Phone Call...
How do I get Napkins?
Napkins are used to unlock Rich Widow Lois can be obtained in the following ways:- Making Joe Arrest the Murderer- Making Bruce Gasp at Plot...
How do I unlock Detective Cleveland? [Updated 9/9]
Detective Cleveland can be unlocked with the following items:- 5 Axes- 10 Bribe Money- 18 Fancy Shirts- 2 Coffins
How do I get Axes? [Updated 9/9]
Axes are used to unlock Detective Cleveland can be obtained in the following ways:- Clearing Victim Peter (Boss)- Making Li'l Joe Spend the ...
How do I get Fake Blood?
Fake Blood are used to unlock Detective Cleveland can be obtained in the following ways:- Making Meg Make a True Life Documentary- Making He...
How do I get Fancy Shirts?
Fancy Shirts are used to unlock Detective Cleveland can be obtained in the following way:- Clearing Guests
How do I get Coffins?
Coffins are used to unlock Detective Cleveland can be obtained in the following way:- From Hearse
What is in the Murder at the Griffin House Event Mystery Box?
The Murder at the Griffin House Event Mystery Box can be purchased at the store for 170 clams and rewards you with one of the following item...
How do I search the Giant Board Game during Week 2?
You can search the Giant Board Game with the following character:- Rich Widow LoisWhen you complete inNapkinigating Giant Board Game, you ha...
How do I search Griffin Manor during Week 2?
You can search Griffin Manor with the following characters:- Victim Peter- Detective Cleveland- Police Dog BrianWhen you complete inNapkinig...
How do I search Cleveland's Detective Agency during Week 2?
You can search Cleveland's Detective Agency with the following characters:- Joe- Forensic Doctor HartmanWhen you complete inNapkinigating Cl...
How do I get Turkey Legs?
Turkey Legs are used to unlock Event Buildings during Week 2 and can be obtained in the following way:- Clearing Guests during Week 2
How do I get Black Suits?
Black Suits are used to unlock Event Buildings during Week 2 and can be obtained in the following way:- Clearing Hatted Suspects
How do I unlock Police Dog Brian?
Police Dog Brian can be unlocked as a prize in the Murder at the Griffin House Event Mystery Box!
How do I unlock Forensic Doctor Hartman?
Forensic Doctor Hartman can be unlocked with the following items:- 20 Hair Nets- 22 Badges- 10 Alcohols- 12 Scalpels- 7 Bones
How do I get Hair Nets?
Hair Nets are used to unlock Forensic Doctor Hartman and can be obtained in the following way:- Clearing Hatted Suspects
How do I get Badges?
Badges are used to unlock Forensic Doctor Hartman and can be obtained in the following ways:- Making Bonnie Solve Mysteries- From Interrogat...
How do I get Alcohol?
Alcohols are used to unlock Forensic Doctor Hartman and can be obtained in the following way:- From Dining Table
How do I get Scalpels?
Scalpels are used to unlock Forensic Doctor Hartman and can be obtained in the following ways:- Clearing Victim Peter (Boss)
How do I get Bone?
Bones are used to unlock Forensic Doctor Hartman and can be obtained in the following ways:- Making Brian Watch Whodunnit Thrillers- Making ...
How do I spawn Hatted Suspects?
You will has a chance to spawn Hatted Suspects after you’ve completed inNapkinigating the following Away Rooms:- Griffin Manor- Cleveland's ...
How do I clear Hatted Suspects?
Hatted Suspects can be cleared by using Handcuffs. Tap on Hatted Suspects on your playspace. Tap on your Handcuff and aim the green circle a...
What do I get for clearing Hatted Suspects?
Clearing Hatted Suspects has a chance to drop the following items:- Black Suit- Battery
How do I craft Handcuff?
Handcuffs are used to clear Hatted Suspects from your playspace and can be crafted at the Forensics Lab with Evidence. Forensics Lab can cra...
How do I get Evidence?
Evidence are used to craft Handcuff at the Forensics Lab and can be obtained in the following ways:- Making Lois Text the Pretty Little Liar...
How do I clear Victim Peter (Boss) Week 2 ?
When the Victim Peter (Boss)’s Health Points go to zero, you will successfully clear them.To deal damage to the Victim Peter (Boss)’s Health...
What do I get for clearing the Victim Peter (Boss) Week 2 ?
Clearing the Victim Peter (Boss) has a chance to drop the following items:- Scalpels- Bloody Knives
How do I spawn Victim Peter (Boss) Week 2 ?
You will has a chance to spawn Victim Peter (Boss) Week 2 after you’ve completed inNapkinigating the following Away Rooms:- Giant Board Game...
How do I unlock True Crime Fan Meg?
True Crime Fan Meg can be unlocked at the shop for 270 clams!
How do I unlock Eccentric Millionaire Quagmire?
Eccentric Millionaire Quagmire can be unlocked with the following items:- 20 Mini Dresses- 6 Bribe Money- 10 Capes- 14 Mink Coats
How do I get Mini Dresses?
Mini Dresses are used to unlock Eccentric Millionaire Quagmire and can be obtained in the following way:- Clearing Feisty Cougars
How do I get Bribe Money?
Bribe Money are used to unlock Eccentric Millionaire Quagmire and can be obtained in the following ways:- Making Natural Monkey Become the V...
How do I get Capes?
Capes are used to unlock Eccentric Millionaire Quagmire and can be obtained in the following way:- Clearing Victim Peter (Boss) Week 3
How do I get Mink Coats?
Mink Coats are used to unlock Eccentric Millionaire Quagmire and can be obtained in the following ways:- Making Stewie Become a Camp Counsel...
How do I get Money Sacks?
Money Sacks are used to unlock event buildings during Week 3 and can be obtained in the following way:- Clearing Feisty Cougars
How do I search the Giant Board Game during Week 3?
You can search the Giant Board Game with the following character:- Detective Cleveland- Forensic Doctor HartmanWhen you complete inNapkiniga...
How do I search Griffin Manor during Week 3?
You can search Griffin Manor with the following characters:- Rich Widow Lois- Forensic Doctor HartmanWhen you complete inNapkinigating Griff...
How do I search Cleveland's Detective Agency during Week 3?
You can search Cleveland's Detective Agency with the following characters:- Eccentric Millionaire Quagmire- True Crime Fan MegWhen you compl...
How do I spawn Feisty Cougars?
You will has a chance to spawn Feisty Cougars after you’ve completed inNapkinigating the following Away Rooms:- Giant Board Game- Griffin Ma...
How do I clear Feisty Cougars?
Feisty Cougars can be cleared by using Wedding Ring. Tap on Feisty Cougar on your playspace. Tap on your Wedding Ring and aim the green circ...
How do I craft Wedding Rings?
Wedding Rings are used to clear Feisty Cougars from your playspace and can be crafted at the Forensics Lab with Gemstone. Forensics Lab can ...
How do I get Gemstone?
Gemstones are used to craft Wedding Ring and can be obtained in the following ways:- Making Quagmire Date Sidney Prescott- Making Carter Giv...
How do I get Wedding Rings?
Wedding Rings are used to clear Feisty Cougars and can be obtained in the following ways: - Craft from Forensics Lab with Gemstone- Mak...
How do I clear the Victim Peter (Boss) Week 3?
When the Victim Peter (Boss) Week 3’s Health Points go to zero, you will successfully clear them.To deal damage to the Victim Peter (Boss) W...
What do I get for clearing the Victim Peter (Boss) Week 3?
Clearing the Victim Peter (Boss) Week 3 has a chance to drop the following items:- Capes- Bloody Knives
How do I spawn Victim Peter (Boss) Week 3?
Victim Peter (Boss) Week 3 has has a chance to spawn after you’ve completed inNapkinigating the following Away Rooms:- Griffin Manor- Clevel...
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