When you make a purchase on Google Play, a confirmation email with your order information is sent to the Google Account you use when making your purchase.

You can also find your order information on Google Wallet by following these steps.

Visit Google Wallet to view your recent transactions. (https://wallet.google.com/manage)
Select an order to see your receipt.

If you have additional questions on how to locate your order number, please refer to this link: (https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/2506346?hl=en)

If you experience issues with this, or would like to contact Player Support for a purchase issue, please attach a screenshot of your receipt and ensure that the time and date of purchase is visible.

If you need help taking a screenshot from your device, here is a link with instructions on how to do this - https://support.google.com/android/answer/9075928?hl=en