How to Play
What is the latest chapter of the game?
Players can currently reach Volume 2, Chapter 17 in Hogwarts Mystery.Volume 1 is unlocked after graduating from Hogwarts in Year 7, Chapter ...
How do I earn Coins?
Earn coins by finishing quests, completing classes, and more!Coins are used to unlock new accessories for your character, and to start certa...
How do I earn Gems?
Earn Gems by levelling up, winning the House Cup, learning new spells and potions, and more! Gems are used to unlock new accessories, speed ...
How do I earn Energy?
Energy is earned over time. As long as your energy is not full or overfilled, every four minutes one more energy will be added to your curre...
How do I earn Experience?
Earn experience by finishing quests, completing classes, and more!
How do I level up?
You level up by earning Experience. You can see how much experience you need to reach the next level by viewing your character profile in th...
How do I access my character profile?
Access your character profile by tapping on your character's portrait in the upper left corner of the screen. In the profile, you can change...
Can I change my character's name?
To change your name, tap on your portrait in the upper-left corner of the screen. In your character profile, select the pencil icon to the r...
How do I change my outfit or appearance?
Once you have reached the quest "Put On New Clothes" (Chapter 3 in Year 1), you will be able to change your outfit and appearance at will by...
How do I change my house?
You cannot change your Hogwarts house after you've been sorted. If you're having trouble identifying with the House you've chosen, please us...
How do I travel around Hogwarts?
To move around Hogwarts and the surrounding areas, select the staircase icon on the far left or right of your character's current location. ...
How do I go to class?
Attend classes by selecting the floor where the class is located, dragging the screen over to class you would like to attend, and tapping on...
How do I start a quest?
Once you have entered the location where your quest takes place, tap on the "!" to begin!If the quest requires a certain level, st...
How can I make my character participate in class?
While in class, you can perform actions by tapping the highlighted objects around the classroom. You will need to tap the highlighted object...
Why does it cost Gems to start this quest?
Some quests take time to unlock. You can speed up this process by using gems. The time remaining until the quest is unlocked is indicated by...
How do I unlock new outfits and hair styles?
Increase your level to unlock new outfits and hair styles! Level up by progressing through the game, completing classes, and earning experie...
How do I see my current main quests?
To view your Story menu, tap on the first scroll icon under your character portrait with the "H."In the Story menu, you can see yo...
How do I see my current side quests?
To view your Side Quest menu, tap on the second scroll icon with a checkmark under your character portrait.In the Side Quest menu, you can v...
I see locked classes, how do I unlock them?
Complete quests and level up to progress to the next year, and unlock more classes and locations.
I see locked spells and potions, how do I learn them?
Complete chapters and adventures to unlock new classes where you'll learn more powerful spells and potions.
Can I choose a new action once I've chosen one?
Once you've tapped on a highlighted object during a quest or class, click outside of the object to see your other options.Note: If you have ...
How do I leave class?
Once you're in a class or room, you can tap the door icon, then tap "Yes" to exit the class or room. Star progress toward class or...
What are Courage, Empathy, and Knowledge?
There are three attributes that your character can improve throughout the course of the game: Courage, Empathy, and Knowledge. Each attribut...
How do I gain Courage?
You can earn Courage (the green Shield icon) by completing quests and Flying class.
How do I gain Empathy?
You can earn Empathy (the pink Heart icon) by completing quests, Charms class, and Herbology class.
How do I gain Knowledge?
You can earn Knowledge (the purple Book icon) by completing quests, Potions class, and Transfiguration class.
Can I change a choice in a previous conversation?
You cannot change choices made in previous conversations, but there will be many more choices to make in the future. As you continue to play...
How do I progress to the next year?
Progress to the next school year by completing main quests. You can see your progress and how many Chapters are remaining by accessing your ...
What is the maximum level for my character?
The current maximum character level is 120.
Why can't I use certain names?
Certain names are unavailable for use. If you think that your name may be mistakenly excluded, please write in to We ...
Why don't I get all of the classes each year?
As you progress through your years at Hogwarts, you will unlock more and more classes! While you don't see your character go to each class e...
How do I access my known spells and potions?
To view all of the spells, potions, and skills you've learned at Hogwarts and Beyond, select the book icon at the bottom-right corner o...
Why is my spell book showing a notification?
Because certain spells and achievements are earned from Special Adventures which lower year students have access to, the rewards may appear ...
How do I earn House Points?
You can earn House Points by doing well in class, completing main quests, and making certain dialogue choices. The house with the most point...
How do I lose House Points?
You can lose House Points by failing classes or making certain dialogue choices. The house with the most points at the end of each year wins...
How do I see the House Points totals?
You can view your current House Point total by tapping on your character portrait in the upper left corner of the screen. Once you're in the...
How do I Focus?
You must tap your screen in time with the shrinking and expanding ring. If you tap when the ring is in the highlighted field you will be suc...
How do I spend time with non-player characters?
Some quests aren't about completing classes or learning spells, but spending time with friends! These activities are indicated by the handsh...
What do each of the symbols mean when I spend time with non-player characters?
During these activities you will find options that correspond with the three main attributes: Courage, Empathy, and Knowledge. The green Shi...
Why can't I choose every option while spending time with non-player characters?
Some options will require a certain attribute level. Raising your attribute levels in classes gives you more options!
What if I can't complete the interaction in the turn limit?
You need to fill the progress bar within the turn limit to complete the activity. If you don't fill the progress bar in time, you can try th...
Why did I earn bonus progress for an option?
If you have a high level in a certain attribute, and choose the corresponding option, you will earn more toward completing the activity!
How do I see my current relationships with non-player characters?
To view your current friendships, tap on the diamond icon at the bottom of your screen. There, you can find all your available friends, chec...
How often can I play a friendship activity?
You can participate in at least one of each activity per day.
When can I begin to repeat these friendship activities with NPCs?
Once you have unlocked Rowan as a friend, you'll be able to start improving your friendship with them! You'll start with the Gobstones and D...
When will I be able to have Butterbeer with a NPC?
Complete Chapter 8 in Year 3 in order to unlock the Butterbeer Friendship activity in the Three Broomsticks.
What if I don’t reach the minimum recommended attributes for an activity?
While the attributes are recommended for success, you do not need to meet the attributes to attempt the activity. Note that it may be diffic...
What are the benefits to spending time with NPCs?
By spending extra time with other characters you will level up your Friendships with them! Benefits to higher level Friendships include rewa...
Where can I go to view videos for Gems?
Tap the Video Reel icon in the bottom left of the screen. This icon will only appear if you’re not in class or in a project. If you run out ...
What can I earn from viewing videos?
You can earn Gems, Creature Food or Coins from watching videos. If you run out of energy in class, you can also earn extra Energy by watchin...
Why can’t I see videos for Gems?
This feature won't be available to all players at all times. We are continuously looking into ways to expand the feature's availability!
I was able to see videos, but now I can’t. What happened?
The number of videos available may vary. If you were able to watch videos previously but are no longer seeing the video reel icon, check bac...
I'm stuck in the "Babysit Fang" quest!
Please leave the app on so the animation finishes after you've completed earning all available stars. You should see Sickleworth the Niffler...
How do I complete Swipe to Sort activity?
To complete the Swipe to Sort activity, tap and press on the different tiles to move and collect them together with similar tiles on either ...
How Do I Become Friends With Hagrid
Hagrid will become available as a friend in your Friendship Journal when you reach Magizoology Level 2 and complete the Fairy Tale Adventure...
Will I Get Another Chance At Past Classes or Spells?
You may notice that you have a spell or potion that is currently locked that tells you it is available during an earlier year. This is becau...
Why does it take longer to bond with some friends?
You will meet new friends each year at Hogwarts and as you get older the requirements to bond with characters increases with each new friend...
What is Charisma?
Charisma is a multiplier for rewards earned from Romance. Each consecutive day you log in your Charisma stat will increase by one, up to a g...
How do I unlock Memories?
Memories can be unlocked primarily using Coins. When you purchase a Memory you will be able to watch it at any time. Newly added Memories ca...
What is the Memory Book?
The Memory Book allows you to revisit memorable scenes from your time at Hogwarts, refresh your memory of the story, and even replay past ev...
Why am I wearing different clothes in my Memories?
The clothing items worn while viewing a Memory reflect whatever items you currently have equipped. Feel free to mix and match your looks bas...
What are Timer Toffees?
Timer Toffees are a rare consumable that allows you to skip or extend various in-game timers. While these toffees are rare, opportuniti...
What are Energy Toffees?
Energy Toffees are rare candies that you may purchase in game. They grant the user unlimited energy for a set amount of time. Energy To...
How do I save the game?
While your game does autosave periodically, you can also prompt a save manually. To save your game progress, please navigate to the Settings...
List of Friends and Friendship Items
You can befriend the following students at Hogwarts; when you have achieved a Level 10 Friendship level with a particular student you will u...
Where Can I Explore In First Person Mode?
Explore LocationsHagrids HutPotionsCharmsThree BroomsticksGreat HallDumbledore’s OfficeCommon Rooms
What are the recharge times on my tappable dorm rewards?
Please see the recharge times for the following reward items.Energy Reward ItemsSnow Globe: 1 Energy Overflow every 23 hoursValentine’s Day ...
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