After completing Level 33, players will unlock the ability to collect alternate Tilesets to change the looks of the Board as they play through Levels.

Tileset Pieces are collected by playing through Tileset Levels, found on the Events screen. You can play up to three Tileset Levels per day, with one attempt to complete each. Additional rewards are given for successfully completing all three Levels. It is also possible to skip the cooldown to play the Tileset Levels by spending Coins.
Completing all Tilesets
When all of the currently available Tilesets have been completed, a message to indicate this will be displayed in the Tileset section of the Events page, and the Tileset Levels themselves will be deactivated; there are no further Tileset pieces to be collected from these.
Some ‘seasonal’ Tilesets may not be completed when this message is displayed. When these sets do become available, the Tileset Levels will reactivate so pieces can be collected.