Most Bingo Rooms have Puzzles that you can complete and redeem for Cherries. Collect Puzzle pieces by daubing Puzzle tiles on your Bingo Cards, then add the pieces to your Puzzle to complete the picture.
Each time you complete a Puzzle, you’ll get a reward! The specific rewards for each level of completion for the puzzle are listed in the puzzle screen. You can complete a puzzle multiple times. Each time you work on completing a puzzle is one level of that puzzle. While you are on level 1 of a puzzle you are working towards the reward for level 1. Once you complete level 1 the puzzle piece progress bar will switch to level 2 and so on.
Every time you complete the puzzle picture your puzzle gets a star to show how many times you have completed it. Some bingo rooms only allow you to complete a puzzle 3 times, while some rooms allow you to complete the puzzle up to 10 times. Check the number of stars at the bottom of the Puzzle picture to know how many times you can complete it.