Bingo Battles is now Bingo Builders!
All the excitement and rewards from Bingo Battles, but this time the focus is on building and earning rewards. You don't need to worry about being attacked or shields anymore.
Get started by playing Bingo in the Seasonal stages to collect Monument Points! Points are required to build and upgrade Monuments on your land.
Tap on the icon with the yellow hardhat and hammer located in the top Events bar to access the Bingo Builders event.
Each land has a special theme with 5 unique Monuments. Once all 5 Monuments are built and fully upgraded, you will earn special prizes for completing the land. There are up to 60 lands to complete within the duration of the event. Once fully completed, you will have to wait for a new one to start as previous Lands cannot be completed again.
The event countdown timer is visible on the top-left corner of the Bingo Builders event screen. When the event ends a new one begins, your event progress and items will be completely reset. Any unused or remaining Monument Points will not carry over or convert to another game item.