- Common Dragons can be searched and bought in the store. You can own more than one of these Dragons.
- Scarce Dragons can be searched and bought in the store.You can own more than one of these Dragons.
- Rare Dragons can be searched and bought in the store. You can own more than one of these Dragons.
- Exclusive Dragons are only available for a limited time during special events. You can own more than one of these Dragons. These Dragons don't change their appearance when reaching Titan level.
- Unique Dragons are only available for a limited time during special events. You can only own one of each of these Dragons. These Dragons don't change their appearance when reaching Titan level.
- Battle/ Defender Dragons are available through the Collections. You need to gather items or spend Runes in order to complete the collection. You can own more than one of these Dragons. These Dragons have better damage, range or health during Battles compared to their normal counterpart Dragons, but don't change their appearance when reaching Titan level.
- Exotic Dragons are available through the Collections. You need to trade for items in Johann's Ship or spend Runes in order to complete the collection. You can own more than one of these Dragons. These Dragons don't change their appearance when reaching Titan level.
- Brute Dragons are available through the Collections. You need to gather items or spend Runes in order to complete the collection. You can own more than one of these Dragons. These Dragons don't change their appearance when reaching Titan level.
- Seedling Dragons are unlocked by unleashing the Foreverwing.
- Primal Dragons are unlocked by unleashing the Bewilderbeast.
- Exiled Dragons are unlocked by unleashing the Screaming Death.
- Premium Dragons are found in Card Packs. They have some visual effects in the game that the other Dragons don't have (e.g. breathing fire/ ice or other unique effects when clicked on after reaching Titan level)
- Legendary Dragons boost different actions in the game. You can own only one of each. These Dragons cannot be moved, released or stored in the hangar.
What is the difference between the rarity of Dragons?
Last Updated: 619d