If you are seeing this error, you may have disabled hardware acceleration in your browser settings. To check this, please follow the steps for your browser below.


    1. Click on "Firefox" then "Preferences."
    2. In the "General" panel, go to the "Performance" section.
    3. Uncheck the box next to "Use recommended performance settings" and make sure the box next to "Use hardware acceleration when available" is selected.
    4. Close and restart the browser for the change to take effect.
    Google Chrome:
    1. Click the three stacked dots in upper right of the browser window.
    2. Click the arrow next to "Advanced" and select "System."
    3. Make sure the box next to "Use hardware acceleration when available" is toggled on.
    4. Close and restart the browser for the change to take effect.
      • You can also copy and paste this link chrome://settings/system into the address bar. This will bring you right to the system settings.
    Microsoft Edge:

    1. Click the "3 dots" menu icon in the upper right of the browser window
    2. Click on "Settings" then "System" on the left side.
    3. Toggle on "Use hardware acceleration when available" if this is not enabled.
    4. Close and restart the browser for the change to take effect.
      • You can also copy and paste this link edge://settings/system into the address bar. This will bring you right to the system settings.
    Safari (Mac Only) - As of macOS Catalina (version 10.15), Hardware acceleration is automatically enabled, and there is no way turn this on and off. If you are using an older version of MacOS, please use the steps below:

    1. Click on the "Safari" then "Settings" >
    2. Click "Advanced" on the top right of the Settings window and ensure "Use hardware acceleration" is enabled
If the game is still not loading, you may have disabled cookies/local data in your browser.
Please use the following links for your browser:

If you are still seeing the message about hardware acceleration even after making sure that option is enabled, it's likely that your browser has recently stopped supporting your computer's graphics card. If this happens, hardware acceleration will usually be disabled behind the scenes even though you've selected it to be enabled -- if a browser doesn't support hardware acceleration for your graphics processor, it will be blocked.

Hardware acceleration is required for Genies & Gems to run properly. We recommend you update your graphics card drivers, if possible. If there aren't any updates available, you may have to consider upgrading your graphics card or playing on a different device.