How do I place a creature in a Sanctuary?
To place a creature in a Sanctuary: Go to the Map.Tap on any Sanctuary that is within your Radar’s range (150 meters or 200 meters for ...
Why can’t I place certain creatures?
There are certain restrictions that can prevent you from placing a creature in a Sanctuary. The first major one being you cannot place more ...
How do I care (Feed, Play, Interact) for my creatures in Sanctuaries?
Caring for creatures is the main activity in Sanctuaries. When you enter a Sanctuary, you are immediately within the Enclosure view. If...
How do I get more space in my Sanctuary to place more creatures?
Sanctuaries start with four unlocked slots, meaning a maximum of four creatures can be placed. As the Sanctuary levels up, more slots will b...
Other creatures that I didn’t place have appeared in my Sanctuary. Where did they come from?
Sanctuaries are public buildings on the Map. Anyone who walks around can place a creature within them and care for any creature inside. In S...
Why are certain creatures too dangerous for me to care for them?
All prehistoric creatures behave differently, and therefore each species has a different level of danger. You must become a better trainer b...
What are Enclosures?
Enclosures are areas within a Sanctuary where you can place creatures. As soon as you enter the Sanctuary, you are in one of the Enclosures....
Where can I see the Sanctuary level?
The Sanctuary level is displayed at multiple places: In the top left corner of Enclosure view (where you see the list of creatures in t...
How do I collect Food, Toys, and Interactions to care for my creatures?
Food and Toys can be found in Supply Drops. You can collect up to four of each per day!Interaction items can be found in the Free Incubator ...
How long until my creature returns from a Sancutary?
Creatures will return to your Collection 48 hours after they’ve been placed in a Sanctuary. You must collect them in your Collection screen ...
How long before a Sanctuary resets? What happens when it resets?
Sanctuaries reset 14 days after they are activated. Sanctuaries are active as soon as the first creature since the last reset is placed in t...
How do I care for another player’s creature?
You can care for other players’ creatures in the same way you care for your own. You receive the same amount of DNA and Sanctuary Points you...
How do I share a Sanctuary with my Alliance?
You can share Sanctuaries with your Alliance so that they can visit your creatures, place their own, and help you level up your Sanctuary so...
How long are Sanctuaries shared with my Alliance?
Sanctuaries are shared for a 24 hour period. During that time, if you or another member of your Alliance places another creature, the Sanctu...
A Sanctuary where I placed a creature has disappeared from the Map. What should I do?
Although quite rare, it is possible that a Sanctuary disappears from the Map. This can happen when the real-world data gets updated or if a ...
How can I level up my Sanctuary faster and why do some creatures give more Sanctuary points?
The number of Sanctuary points received when caring for a creature depends on a number of factors:The rarity of the creature (higher rarity ...
How can I get more DNA from creatures in a Sanctuary?
The DNA amount you receive when you care for a creature depends on a number of factors:The preference of the creature. Some creatures p...
What are a creature’s needs? Why do I get less DNA if I care multiple times for the same creature?
Creatures have varying degrees of needs for each of the care actions you provide. The amount of DNA you receive depends on how much the crea...
What are the best strategies to make the most out of Sanctuaries?
Here are some tips, coming directly from the design team, about how to maximize the use of Sanctuaries to obtain creature DNA. Use all ...