What is COPPA?
COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) is a United States federal law that applies to the online collection of personal informatio...
Is this game suited for my young child?
This game is rated 16+. It includes fantasy violence, mild blood, and online chat.
How do I set parental controls for in-app purchases?
In order to avoid purchases made by somebody using your device, please secure your account with a password. Depending on the device you are ...
iOS: How do I set up "Ask to Buy" to pre-approve my child's purchases?
Parents can take advantage of Apple's Ask to Buy program and Family Sharing program in order to give children their freedom to make purchase...
儘管我們努力確保補給站的安全,但我們知道可能存在一些危險或無法到達的位置。 現在可以在遊戲中報告這些位置。 報告補給下降:點擊不安全的空投補給。點擊補給空投標題旁邊的旗幟圖標。在報告表單中,從下拉列表中選擇報告原因。必要時在評論框中添加任何其他信息。報告隨後將發送至。請...
How do I report another player's inappropriate username?
If you notice an opponent with an inappropriate username during battles, you can report it! To do so please go to the in-game Settings menu ...
Contacting Support on behalf of your child
If your child needs assistance with their game, we ask that you write in on their behalf so that we may take the necessary steps to help res...